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Here, you will be amazed by the incredible drawings of a ballpoint pen artist. Using only a Montblanc pen, I create captivating artworks that will leave you in awe. Time is a precious gift that allows me to truly look, observe, and understand the beauty that surrounds us. Join me on this artistic journey and lets listen to the world together.he surroundings with my eyes. I mainly draw with ballpoint pen on paper, I enjoy trying and testing its possibilities.

Here, you will be amazed by the incredible drawings of a ballpoint pen artist. Using only a Montblanc pen, I create captivating artworks that will leave you in awe. Time is a precious gift that allows me to truly look, observe, and understand the beauty that surrounds us. Join me on this artistic journey and lets listen to the world together.he surroundings with my eyes. I mainly draw with ballpoint pen on paper, I enjoy trying and testing its possibilities.

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